If you have hearing loss and you would like to learn more about how you can address it, then now is the time for you to get a hearing test done. It’s a good idea for you to get your hearing tested regularly, even if you don’t think you have any hearing loss. The main reason for this is that hearing loss often occurs slowly over a period of time. As you age, your body begins to break down as well, so you must understand your standard of health so you can take steps to protect it as much as possible.

Why Should You Have Your Hearing Tested?

You don’t need to have a hearing problem to get your hearing tested. It’s wise for you to think of your hearing exam as if it’s a check-up. It’s just like going to the dentist, in the fact that sometimes it is a preventative. A hearing test can detect medical ailments you might not be aware you have as well. All in all, a hearing test is essential to your overall wellbeing, so if you are due a check-up or a test then make sure that you take the time to go for it and that you protect your health as much as possible.

Untreated Hearing Loss Has Many Risks

If you choose not to treat your hearing loss this can put you in a very dangerous position. Untreated hearing loss is linked to a host of other issues, including cognitive decline, dementia and a greater risk of falling. Addressing your hearing loss can help you prevent these risks, as well as keeping conditions like depression and anxiety at bay.

Hearing Tests are Very Easy

Another thing to take note of is that hearing tests are very easy. There are numerous tests you can undergo, such as pure-tone testing, testing of the middle ear, speech testing and even auditory brainstem responses.

A Warning Sign of Something Else

It may be that your hearing loss is a sign of a more serious medical condition. This could include cardiovascular disease or even diabetes. By getting a hearing test done by your audiologist, you can make sure that you are not overlooking a more important diagnosis.

Getting a Baseline

If you know that you are exhibiting a couple of signs of hearing loss, then getting a hearing test done on file is one of the best things you can do going forward. Having a baseline gives your audiologist something to compare your future results to. This ensures that they make any diagnosis they need.

Getting Ready for Family Events

Another reason why you should get a hearing test done this fall is so you can prepare yourself for family events. If you have hearing loss, then you may find that it is very difficult to keep up with conversations and that you find it difficult to follow people when they are talking with a lot of background noise. All of this can be avoided if you have hearing loss, as hearing aids in this day and age can fill in the frequencies you are missing, perfectly.

Better Response to Treatment

It’s so important that you get your hearing tested regularly. This is even the case if you don’t have any problems. A regular hearing test gives you the chance to identify potential hearing loss before it becomes hard to treat. Those who have hearing loss typically respond way better to treatment than those who have long-standing hearing loss, without any treatment at all. For this reason, getting your hearing tested is imperative to your health, and it is the best way for you to protect yourself going forward.

Pinpointing Balance Disorders

Did you know that a hearing test can assist you if you are having problems with your balance? They can help also you to stop issues such as acoustic neuromas. If you are having balance issues because of sudden onset hearing loss then an audiologist can also work with you to get to the root of the issue. If you need some help here, one thing you can do is contact your audiologist today.

If you don’t have an audiologist then the best thing you can do is call the team at Complete Hearing & Balance at (360) 704-7900. When you do, you can count on us to guide and support you through your diagnosis and treatment process, helping you find the best solution for your individual preferences.

Tags: ABR tests, OAE tests, speech tests