Hearing Aid Fitting & Programming

Having an optimal listening experience with your hearing aids depends on two important factors: getting the right fit and carefully adjusting the settings. At Complete Hearing & Balance, our audiologists understand how crucial these elements are for your hearing aids to work their best. We are committed to providing you with fitting and programming services that are personalized to your specific hearing needs. Experience the amazing difference that properly fitted and precisely programmed hearing aids can make in your life as we carefully guide you through this process.

What You’ll Learn at the Fitting Appointment

During the fitting appointment, our audiologists prioritize imparting knowledge regarding the features, functionality and care of your hearing aids. We will discuss proper insertion and removal techniques, volume adjustment and battery replacement. Additionally, we will offer guidance on maintenance and cleaning procedures to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your hearing aids. Our primary objective is to equip you with the requisite knowledge and confidence to embrace your new hearing aids, maximizing your listening experience.

Expectations During the Fitting Process

The fitting process entails the customization of your hearing aids to cater specifically to your hearing needs and personal preferences. Leveraging advanced technology, our audiologists will meticulously measure your hearing thresholds and assess the fit of your hearing aids. Based on these evaluations, precise adjustments will be made to the programming to optimize sound quality and speech intelligibility. This individualized approach guarantees that your hearing aids are tailored to your unique hearing profile, enabling you to derive the utmost benefit from these devices.

Advantages of Tailored Hearing Aid Programming

Tailored hearing aid programming encompasses a multitude of benefits, bestowing upon you an optimized listening experience. Through personalized programming, you can anticipate enhanced speech understanding, improved sound quality and overall enhanced comfort. Our audiologists will work closely with you, incorporating your feedback and preferences to fine-tune the settings, ensuring that your hearing aids align with your specific needs and harmonize with your lifestyle. The result is a truly customized listening solution that empowers you to actively engage in conversations and revel in the sounds of your surroundings.

Adjusting to Life with Hearing Aids

Getting used to life with hearing aids takes time, and we’re here to help you through this adjustment period. At first, it might take a while to get used to the louder sounds and wearing the devices regularly. It’s important to be patient and keep trying as you get familiar with the new way of hearing. Our audiologists will give you advice on gradually using the hearing aids more, managing your expectations, and using techniques to listen actively. We’ll also schedule follow-up appointments to make any necessary adjustments to the settings and address any questions or concerns you may have. With practice and time, you’ll gain confidence and enjoy better communication and connections with others.

Allow us to assist you in experiencing the full spectrum of benefits offered by your hearing aids, delivering a customized listening solution tailored to your unique requirements and lifestyle. Schedule an appointment today and take the first step toward improved hearing and an enhanced quality of life.